quinta-feira, abril 04, 2024

Julio Rezende aerospace curriculum

 Julio Rezende is Bachelor on Management and Psychology, master and PhD on Sustainability at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte-UFRN (Brazil) with post doc in University of Central Florida – UCF (United Stated), when started to study about space analog habitats ans seflf sustaining habitat. 


Some activities developed by Julio Rezende:

- Organization of in-person and on-line events

- Copywriting on space content

- Development of design content for social media 

- Organizer of more than 160 space analog missions and space events

- Space outreach activities such as: arranging technical visits 

-  Lectures on space and sustainability


The specific actions on sustainability are:

- PhD in sustainability studying the sustainable practices of companies in energy sector;

- Study on sustainability indicators;

- Pioneer and Researcher with the highest number of publications on SDGs in Brazil with works presented internationally;

- developer and pioneer of sustainable strategic planning methodology;

- coordinator of sustainable strategic planning in organizations such as CFA, CRA-RN and INOVATIX;

- philanthropist;

- developer and coordinator of social responsibility projects and socio-environmental technologies;

- professor in the area of sustainability;

- sustainability consultant;

- Diagnosis and consulting of incubators and technology parks on sustainability practices;

- Consultancy for the implementation of SDGs;

- Consultancy on implementation of environmental management and sustainability practices;

- Consultancy and training on circular economy;

- Consultancy and training on sustainable cities;

- developer of self-sustainable habitat protocols with space applications.

- Since 2016 researching and developing solutions on the application of sustainability in the space area through the management of the Habitat Marte space station.


As main activities, he is professor in industrial engineering. Department in UFRN, Habitat Marte CEO and director of Federal Council of Administration – CFA.


Julio Rezende coordinates the Habitat Marte space analog station. Julio Rezende is a pioneer in Brazil promoting the education and research related to Mars and Moon exploration, identifying also some possible sustainable solutions that would be applied to arid and semiarid regions, verifying issues related to the operation of self-sustaining habitats. 


Just developed more than 200 protocols applied to space analog stations and self sustaining habitats. Has management knowledge, work and team and emotional management applied in more than 120 missions developed in the space analog station Habitat Marte during 5 years.


Julio Rezende dedicates great attention to psychological aspects in space analog missions, such as self-awareness and emotions, a very important aspect for analog astronauts and teamwork. This self-awareness is understood by Julio Rezende as self-sustainability.


Presents experience in construction, assembly, maintenance, handling of electrical equipment and tools, aspects related to housekeeping and improvement of the infrastructure of space analog stations.


Had bring impact to Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics – STEAM, engaging students in more than 40 countries since started the project and space analog station Habitat Marte, operating in Brazilian semiarid. 


The experience and projects of professor Julio Rezende are inspiring students to be interested to learn more about space+sustainability and develop and be empowered about a professional career in this area. 


In Brazil coordinates other initiatives related to space education and STEAM: Mars Society Brazil and Space Reinassance Initiative Latin America.


Had published more than 10 books about sustainability and innovation, researching and teaching sustainability in Industrial Engineering Department/UFRN. He had performed  lectures in different countries about sustainability and innovation and space in English and Spanish.


More information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliorezende10


Contact: juliofdrezende@hotmail.com / +5584999818160. My Twitter: @JulioFDRezende. My Instagram: @juliorezende

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